Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Harper the Wonder Dog!

Until recently, I always wondered why *some* moms out there feel the need to obsessively show off photos of their kids, tell stories about them, and just completely dominate the majority of conversations with "kid talk." Don't get me wrong, I love kids :) And, I enjoy getting the updates and looking at the photos - but after a while it can get to be a bit overwhelming... especially for those of us that aren't in the "mom" club.

I now find myself in a peculiar situation as I recently brought a sweet baby cocker spaniel into my home. Naturally, he is the sweetest, most adorable, loving dog that was ever born - and as you may have guessed, I can't stop obsessing over his awesomeness. I practically became that annoying person that obsesses over their kids overnight. There should be a support group for this type of thing.

So before I forget to tell you in person, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of my friends and family members that are sick of hearing about Harper’s awesomeness… I can’t help it! I’ve been documenting his growth (ha!) over the last few months and I think it’s about time to share his sweet face with the blogosphere.

Ladies and gentleman… meet Harper the Wonder Dog (born 8/25/2009 in the great state of Texas!).

@ 8 weeks

@ 10 weeks

@ 12 weeks

@ 16 weeks

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hello, 2010!

In typical new years fashion, I've decided to make a few resolutions for 2010. I do realize I'm a few weeks late, but I figure it's better late than never...right?!

Without further ado, here are my resolutions for the coming year (and I must admit that I am a little nervous about making this public...this just means I have more people to help keep me honest!).

1. Start a blog (check.)
2. Get healthy
3. Save more - spend less